Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm Watching You

I'm not sure if my readers love YouTube as much as I do, but I cannot get enough of it. I love to watch funny videos and people who sing. Isn't it crazy how many people are famous now just from the exposure they received through YouTube. So, I thought as a new blog posting tradition, I would try to feature some of my favorite YouTubers each week. This week goes out to Lisa Scinta. This girl is good, and I'm going to be in line to get her CD as soon as she makes it big. This first video is the cover that got me hooked on her.
In this next video, she was responding to being called out by Jason DeRulo himself on his YouTube page. He challenged her to use his kareoke app. I think she did a pretty good job.
Here's an acoustic favorite of mine...
Last but not least, here's one of her originals...
She really  has so many more great videos. I encourage you to check her out. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!

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