Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Source: via Meagan on Pinterest

I've been trying to keep my few blog posts lately pretty upbeat in order to salvage any readers I have left, but forgiveness is something that's really been weighing on my mind lately. I've really been struggling to forgive some people that have hurt me. I just haven't been able to figure out what I need to do to get my mind in the right place for it. All that to say that yesterday I ran across a Facebook status that listed Mark 11:25 with the caption, "Forgive even when they're not sorry." I looked up the verse, and it really gave me so much peace. And you know what, once my mind was a little clearer I was able to think a little deeper into it.

Here I am sitting around struggling with forgiving when I need forgiveness daily from God and others in my life. Here I am thinking about how someone else has wronged me, but not willing to look in the mirror and realize that I'm not perfect either. What a wakeup call! I shared the the verse with a group of my friends, and one of them told me about a priest who compared holding on to grudges and not forgiving to taking poison and expecting the other person to die. How true is that?? Forgiveness is a gift you can give yourself, even if you're not ready to gift the other person yet.

That's just something I really needed to hear and thought I'd share in case anyone else needed it too.

Our photographer posted a preview of the engagement pics, so I'll leave you with that for purpose of recording on here. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!!

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