Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Source: via Meagan on Pinterest

I've been trying to keep my few blog posts lately pretty upbeat in order to salvage any readers I have left, but forgiveness is something that's really been weighing on my mind lately. I've really been struggling to forgive some people that have hurt me. I just haven't been able to figure out what I need to do to get my mind in the right place for it. All that to say that yesterday I ran across a Facebook status that listed Mark 11:25 with the caption, "Forgive even when they're not sorry." I looked up the verse, and it really gave me so much peace. And you know what, once my mind was a little clearer I was able to think a little deeper into it.

Here I am sitting around struggling with forgiving when I need forgiveness daily from God and others in my life. Here I am thinking about how someone else has wronged me, but not willing to look in the mirror and realize that I'm not perfect either. What a wakeup call! I shared the the verse with a group of my friends, and one of them told me about a priest who compared holding on to grudges and not forgiving to taking poison and expecting the other person to die. How true is that?? Forgiveness is a gift you can give yourself, even if you're not ready to gift the other person yet.

That's just something I really needed to hear and thought I'd share in case anyone else needed it too.

Our photographer posted a preview of the engagement pics, so I'll leave you with that for purpose of recording on here. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Engagement Shoot...

We had engagement pictures made this weekend with Erin Coker of Erin C Photography. She is amazing, y'all! Not only does she take fabulous pictures, but she makes you so comfortable while doing it. I know Justin was sort of dreading not looking forward to standing around and posing for pictures all day long, but he did such a great job. We laughed a lot when trying to be serious, but I think that turned out ok too. Our sweet, sweet friends Whitney and Michael were so amazing and offered their farm for us to take pictures at, and it was BEAUTIFUL! There were cotton fields, an old church, train tracks, a cute office with old signs, a beautiful yard and much, much more. It was exactly what I was looking for when thinking about these pictures. I absolutely cannot wait to see the edited pics!! In the meantime, here is one that Erin took of her camera and posted on Facebook yesterday.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
